How to Help Your Baby Nap Longer

Some babies take only 30–45 minute naps, which can lead to overtiredness and crankiness. Extending nap duration can improve both daytime and nighttime sleep.

1 – Why Do Some Babies Take Short Naps?

🚼 Can’t Link Sleep Cycles Yet – Many babies wake up after one sleep cycle (about 40 minutes).
🚼 Overstimulation Before Naps – Too much activity can make it hard to fall into deep sleep.
🚼 Hunger – If the baby isn’t full, they may wake up early from naps.

2 – Strategies to Extend Naps

2.1 Keep a Consistent Nap Schedule

✔️ Watch for sleepy cues like yawning and rubbing eyes.
✔️ Put the baby down at the same times every day.

2.2 Improve the Nap Environment

✔️ Use blackout curtains and white noise.
✔️ Ensure the baby’s sleep space is cool and comfortable.

2.3 Practice “Resettling”

✔️ If the baby wakes up too soon, try patting or shushing instead of immediately picking them up.

2.4 Extend Wake Windows

✔️ Ensure the baby is tired enough for a longer nap but not overtired.

3 – Final Thoughts

Extending naps takes practice. With a consistent routine and the right sleep environment, babies can learn to nap longer and wake up more refreshed.

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